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believe in Jesus

Jesus came so that man could once again have relationship with God. He died on the cross and took all our wrongs, making a way back for us all.


"That’s what Christ did definitively: suffered because of other’ sins, the Righteous One for the unrighteous ones.
He went through it bring us to God."

1 Peter 3:18 (The Message)


why jesus?

It doesn't take much to see that the world is in a mess. The cause of the mess is the human heart that is inclined towards selfishness. People's actions simply react to the situation they find themselves in and the way in which they've been treated. The mess we're in is to varying degrees but nevertheless, we're all living in it. The truth is that something is missing, something is broken about our lives.... that's where Jesus comes in.

It's not how it's supposed to be.

In the beginning we were created in the image of a loving God, sourcing life from and depending on our amazing creator, living in relationship with him. When we chose to go our own way we had to depend on ourselves. Putting it simply..... we lost our relationship with God.


free gift

Jesus came to mend our relationship with God. He died on the cross and took all our wrongs, making a way back for us all - and this is a free gift. Salvation is not something we can work for or earn, it is a free gift!


"He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy.
He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit."

Titus 3:5 (NIV)


peace with god

"If we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead,
we will be saved."

Romans 10:9 (NIV)


To make your peace with God and be in relationship with Him again, simply talk to him, tell him how you are feeling, that you believe in Jesus and want Him in your life.


we suggest a prayer like this:


"I'm sorry for the things I've done wrong in my life.
I ask your forgiveness and now turn from everything I know is wrong.
Thank you for sending Jesus to die on the cross to set me free.
And thank you that He is alive today.
Please come into my life and be with me forever.
Thank you."




The best thing to do now is meet others who are on a similar journey. We'd love you you to join us on Sunday and introduce you to some great people just like you. Let us know you're coming on Sunday and we'll look out for you, show you around and make sure you feel welcome.

let us know you're coming

We love having guests, so let us know you're coming and we'll meet you,
show you around and save you some seats.

can't wait to meet you!

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